Thursday, March 22, 2007

Women want to FEEL!

Women interpet things emotionally and men, logically, which is old news, but you guys don't use this to your ADVANTAGE.

When you're talking with a woman, USE descriptive words to convey what you're saying. Use words that will arouse her imagination. Add COLOR to the conversation, you understand what I'm saying?

Instead of saying something like, "I like bowling.", go with "I really enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of bowling, you know? Everyone's focused on themselves, in their own world..rolling the ball without a care in the world."

You don't necessary have to be that cheesy, but take that direction.

When you're discussing an interest she told you she enjoys..or something she likes to do, relate to it with something, like..say she enjoys nursing: "Oh, I can imagine why. Just knowing you have the ability to rescue another human being, who's sick and dependent on you is just a powerful feeling."

You understand? Doing this will incite her emotions..because women are very emotional.

"We're all born pick-up artists, only society prevents our true potential."


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