Monday, October 30, 2006

Getting Used To Talking w/ Girls

Are you one of those guys who just can't find his ballsack when the time for approaching a hot chick comes? Hmm...well my friend, you're really overanalyzing and fucking yourself in the ass, but I'll tell you how and how I overcame this stupid anxiety.

Okay, so it's a hot girl. She's beautiful. She's the hottest chick this side of town. She has pretty hair, nice tanned skin, blue eyes, a mini-skirt, popularity, and the perfect smile. Under the word "hot" in the dictionary is a picture of her. Okay, and? You know all the outside details about her, but we want something deeper. We want to know if she's compatible with me. We want to know if her personality is right enough for us to pursue her. Fuck fearing if she will reject me, she better fear I won't reject her! This is my mindset whenever I'm about to approach a hot chick. You've got to let yourself know that you will make her day and that you're the prize--not the other way around. I don't know about you guys, but physical attractiveness is just the wrapping for me, you know? If the girl is a fucking moron or has some other undesirable personality trait, I'll just jack off to her when I get home or move on to the next.

Okay, now you have an understanding of the mindset required to talk with hot chicks. Now, you've got to get some field work behind that knowledge to paint this picture complete. I have an assignment for you guys out there who don't have the balls to approach hot women;

1) Go to a place where hot chicks are laden, like a mall, popular downtown areas, and etc.

2) Don't give a fuck about shit. Realize you will never see these girls again in your life. Realize these girls are about as important to your life as the ants crawling on the sidewalks of New York City.

3) Approach 30 different attractive women per day for a week or however often you can. Give them all a sincere compliment about their physique, like, "Your eyes are pretty" or "You're really cute." Leave it at that. Don't dip deeper into the conversation unless she forces you to. Smile afterwards and then turn your attention elsewhere.

(If you don't have the nuts to give a compiment on their physique, ask them for the time.)

You can mix it up at least once. Rub chocolate or something on your forehead, and approach an attractive woman with a napkin, asking her to rub it off for you. Say, "Hey, I know my friend put something on my head. You look nice and you're pretty, so I trust your hands. Can you rub it off for me please?"

Try that last line out. You've got to do it. Oh my god, that's just so fucking smooth it's insane! Please, grow balls and try that last line! Hah, I'm going to do it. Anyway, this exercise will get you used to communicating with gorgeous women. Remember to make eye contact and smile.

Remember, once you do something you're afraid to do, it'll be easier the next time. If you do it 30 times per day for a week, just imagine how relaxed you'll be. Jump out your comfort zone, bro!

"We're all born pick-up artists, only society prevents our true potential."


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